How can Hypnotherapy help with stress and anxiety?

How can Hypnotherapy help with stress and anxiety? If you have ever suffered from severe stress or anxiety you know how it can overtake your daily life and thoughts. Hypnotherapy can help assist you to turn down the repetitive thoughts, find presence in the moment and focus on your breath.

“Hypnotherapy is such a powerful weapon against stress. Unlike medication, it’s entirely natural. There are no side-effects. You won’t get hooked on it. Instead of covering it up, hypnotherapy gets at the root of the problem. It changes the way you respond to stress. It provides techniques to deal with the physical and emotional stressors in your life. It puts you back in control...Bypass the critical conscious mind. Doing and thinking the same things, day after day, gets you nowhere. To change that, you need to get to the unconscious mind. You need to bypass the critical conscious mind.” (,17 December 2015,Hypnosis Training Academy)

Are virtual therapy sessions effective?

So can I really see lasting change from the comfort of my living room? Can I have an effective session without coming into an office and having a session in person? Yes and Yes! Hypnotherapy is based on the idea of creating lasting change through accessing the subconscious in a very relaxed calm state. If you’re able to attend an appointment with your hypnotherapist without having to get in your car, fight traffic, find parking, leave and get back in traffic, etc. etc. you can access the state of relaxation even faster and results can last even longer.

Through virtual hypnotherapy sessions you are able to attend a session in your own space, in your own comfy chair, in your sweatpants even! This allows you to find that sense of relaxation and peace with a lot more ease than having to make it into the office for your appointment. You set the stage for your lasting change you’re creating. I’m here to be your guide. Book a virtual appointment online today and see how lasting change through hypnotherapy can happen in the comfort of your own home or office whenever and wherever you want, it’s that easy.

-Online Counseling, Virtual Therapy, Remote Hypnotherapy, Online Clinical Hypnotherapy, Private online Hypnotherapy- Whatever you want to call it! It boils down to the easiest and fastest way to find relaxation in today’s covid world! Stress and anxiety are at their highest rates and the simplest way to combat this is an online session away!


What is the subconscious mind?