Hypnotherapy, Healthy Living, Weight Loss, Weight Goals and what it all means…

Hypnotherapy is often used as a weight loss tool. That’s because Hypnotherapy works with your subconscious mind (the mental processes of which the individual is not aware). “The subconscious mind is where the root of your habits, beliefs, and emotional responses lives.” (Close Your Eyes, Lose Weight, Grace Smith, pg. xvi)

"Hypnosis is effective because it allows people the opportunity to slow down the analytical and intellectual chatter in their minds to more easily access and focus on what is deeper down and most important to them," says Dr. Gaies. In other words, hypnosis can help people tap into their subconscious brain, which largely influences our habits."The subconscious brain is where a lot of our behaviors and motivations are," says Tony Chon, M.D., a certified hypnotherapist and general internal physician at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. "In hypnosis, you're really trying to motivate the brain to make changes." https://www.prevention.com/weight-loss/a29689965/hypnosis-weight-loss/

But I think it’s always important to pause and reflect on what “weight loss” means and how it is an individual choice and journey that is different for everyone. My style of Hypnotherapy encourages clients to tap into what’s right and correct for them in setting their weight and healthy living goals. Using Hypnotherapy for healthy living doesn’t necessarily mean losing weight. It might for some if that is what is right and true for them and for others it might mean exercising more not with the focus of losing weight but for becoming stronger, etc. For someone else it might mean wanting a stronger immune system and that might mean eating cleaner, setting themselves up for feeling better at the end of the day because they provided their body with that they needed. For someone else it might mean eating well and exercising more so they have more energy at the end of the day to be able to keep up with their kids.

Making health a priority is important for us all but that often has less to do with a number on a scale and more to do with how we feed our mind, body and soul.

I always like to clarify with my clients focused on “weight loss” that we will be focusing on a healthy body and that healthy body is something defined differently for each of us. I believe that if we truly tap into our subconscious it often knows best what we need to live our healthiest life. If we are able to tap into that and create habits around listening to that a little better than we can reach our healthiest lifestyle. So whether it’s losing weight because that’s what feels right for you based on what’s best for your body, or creating healthier habits around exercise and food, or even training for your first 5K hypnotherapy can be a fabulous tool in your toolkit.

I think Michelle Obama and Dr. Malone sum this idea of “weight loss” up nicely in a conversation from the Michelle Obama podcast….

“Michelle Obama: But then I think backwards, and I think, well what's what does being healthy mean for women, period? And, we've always talked about how there's so many conflicting messages out there, about, weight, about, mostly about weight, right, first of all, because it seems to be that that's the only thing, from a PR standpoint, that people tend to care about. But, we don't sort of, have a real clear baseline, for what health means for a woman.

Sharon Malone: Women's value, goes up, with how little space you take up, you know.

Michelle Obama: [laughs] Mm hmm.

Sharon Malone: So, the smaller you can make yourself, the higher perceived, you know, socioeconomic group that you're in, and whatever, it's all about being thin. But you're right, being thin, and being healthy are two completely different things. I'm going to focus more on function, than form. So what you look like, and how much you weigh, is less on an issue, particularly as you get older, because the question is, what can you do? What's your function level like?

Michelle Obama: And also, we, we we, come with different skeletal structures.

Sharon Malone: We do.

Michelle Obama: I am, 5'11, and I have hips, and thighs, and I can look over my family, and I can see, that's genetically who I'm supposed to be.”

When we’re clear in our intentions for how we want to feel and what’s right for us based on our own individual health journey then we are one step closer to achieving our goals. If you’d like to lose weight because you’ve determined that’s what’s best for your body and you’re not defining it by the outside world’s ideal than you’re that much more likely to find true health that’s sustainable in the long term.

It is also important to note what is “healthy” for some doesn’t always mean it’s “healthy” for you. That “healthy” almond milk might be a terrible option for someone allergic, as a basic example. The key to hypnotherapy for healthy lifestyle goals is to tune into what is right and true for you and allowing the Hypnotherapist to guide your own your journey with your subconscious guiding the way.

If this sounds like it’s inline with your values and goals regarding weight loss, weight goals, healthy habits, healthy living, etc. then reach out and try a session today! I offer judgment free sessions open and welcome to all. No pressure, no shaming, no one size fits all approach.

#weightloss #healthyliving #weightgoals #exercise #goals


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