Self-Hypnosis: What is it and why it works.

One of the most powerful tools to enhance your outcomes when working with a certified hypnotherapist is practicing self-hypnosis in-between one-on-one sessions. Just like anything repetition and practice allows you to get better and better.

The more you practice hypnosis the deeper you go each time. While some issues can be resolved in a session or several. (The true breaking point is often seen at around 12 private sessions) it is the work we do daily where we really see growth on an ongoing basis.

Like meditation or yoga, the practice of hypnosis is something that can be done daily to help you realign, focus, and get present. Self-hypnosis is the tool that helps you make change, reconnect, and/or enhance your work with your hypnotherapist. So whether your working with me or just want to try hyposis out for yourself give self-hypnosis a try.

According to Grace Smith Hypnotherapy, Self-Hypnosis is….

What Is Self-Hypnosis? 

● The process of utilizing relaxation techniques without the assistance of a hypnotherapist.

● Typically includes deep relaxation, positive affirmations, and imagining of the desired outcome. 

Why Should I Use Self-Hypnosis? 

● To relax quickly in public speaking or other nerve-wracking situations. 

● To relieve anxiety symptoms.

● To recondition the subconscious with a positive mind-frame and/or actions. 

● Self-hypnosis is the best way to deepen the work you doing with your personal hypnotherapist.

Great so how does it work?
According to the Mindbody Green article, “Self-Hypnosis Is Essentially A Deep Meditation” (

“Hypnosis works by putting us into a suggestible state in which what we imagine feels real to the unconscious mind. Here, the idea is that we're able to break negative patterns and behaviors by allowing our unconscious to let them go, which can be difficult to do in our normal waking state”…

You can apply the principles of self-hypnosis to a number of goals, including but not limited to: Breaking an addiction, being more confident, living a healthier lifestyle, being less anxious or stressed, getting unstuck in general."

I’m ready now what!
Begin by deciding what you’d like to or need to focus on presently in your life. If you’re working with me, in our first session together we go through this process and I work with you to come up with an intention/affirmation/suggestion. Typically, it is advisable to stick with the same intention or goal for at least 21 days before moving on to another topic. 

  1. Write your intention/affirmation/suggestion: (If you’re working with me we will do this in our first session together) These need to be short, easy to memorize, positive, and in the present tense. Here are a few examples:

    • Eating foods that contribute to my health and well-being is within my power.

    • Every day in every way I am more and more committed to my goal.

    • I am unconditionally friendly to myself and others.

    • Every day in every way I am becoming more and more at peace with my life.

    • Thoughts flow through me with ease. 

    • My thoughts are positive. I embrace happiness.

  2. Get set up: Turn off your phone and distractions, find a quiet place where you'll be undisturbed. Sit in a comfortable chair with feet flat on the floor or lie down. (If you struggle with insomnia or feel you’re going to fall asleep try seated if you feel yourself falling asleep because you’re laying down).

  3. Memorize your intention/affirmation/suggestion: Do this by having your affirmation written on a piece of paper and look at your affirmation at an angle where the wall and the ceiling meet. (This is just to tire your eyes out while you are memorizing your affirmation)

  4. Breathe and check-in: Become aware of your current level of stress on a scale of one to ten. Ten being a full-scale panic attack and zero being zero stress at all. Then close your eyes all the way down.

  5. Become aware of your body in the space: Do a full body scan and relax your muscles from head-to-toe. Using the imagery of a color you love relaxing you from the top of your head down, or a waterfall of energy or light washing through your body, relaxing and releasing. Releasing any part of your body where stress lives and breathe into those tight spaces.

  6. Notice how heavy your eyelids feel, try and open your eyes but notice how heavy they are and that they just want to stay closed no matter how hard you try. Wash the color, light, or energy through your body again from head-to-toe.

  7. Count yourself down from ten to one. Imagining your walking down a staircase, a path or an elevator taking you down from ten to one feeling deeper and deeper relaxed with each number.

  8. Repeat your affirmation in your mind or out loud anywhere from 3-21 times (depending on how much time you have).

  9. See, feel and experience the results: This is the most important step. Really imagine in your mind’s eye how you would feel and experience life with the results you’re aiming to create. How does your body feel, what are your thoughts, emotions, relationships like when you achieve this goal. This is part of what’s know as future pacing. Where we are achieving our goals through first imagining it and getting there by knowing what it really feels like to have accomplished this goal. Feel it in your body, see it in your mind, really fully experience the results of what you’re creating. imagine the situation as you wish it to be. Engage all your senses, see it, feel it, hear it, even taste it.

    “Imagine you can run through the scenario that you wish to shift. Imagine it as it is. So, if you're stressed or procrastinating, imagine you can observe yourself experiencing this like a mind movie, through a compassionate lens as if you were your own best friend. This can be more visual, or more emotional, depending how your mind works.” (

  10. Close the session: Wash that color, energy or light through your body once one. Check in on your new lower stress level and notice how much better you already feel!

    “Gently bring yourself out by breathing in relaxation and breathing out release a few more times. Hold your hand to where you feel the positive resources and feelings in your body. Thank yourself for giving yourself this moment of relaxation and intentional journeying into your mind. (

Repeat daily or whenever you need to reconnect, calm down and relax. It only takes around 3-5 minutes and can be done almost anywhere you are able to close your eyes. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, your mind is always doing the work. A Hypnotherapist is there to help and guide you but ultimately you are the one that controls your success and outcomes. Self-hypnosis is the tool to help you get to where you’d like to go. Another beautiful tool in your self-care toolbag!

Book a session with me today and I can help you learn more!


Free Hypnosis Recording for Letting Go


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