Remote Hypnotherapy

Can remote hypnotherapy work for you?

Remote hypnotherapy, Digital hypnotherapy, Online Hypnosis - Whatever you want to call it is simply using hypnosis in order to treat conditions and change habits - is no different to hypnotherapy delivered in person. The differentiating factor is that you’ll be able to call in from anywhere at your own convenience rather than having to commute to an in person office. Remote hypnosis is a way of bringing the benefits of hypnotherapy to a wider audience as you can do it from the comfort of your own home.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy allows clients to work one-on-one with a trained professional who helps guide them into a calm relaxed state. In that calm, relaxed state clients are able let go of the conscious everyday waking mind where they’ve already spun their problems around in their mind over and over again. Relaxing deeply allows clients to tap into the subconscious mind and problem solve, think creativity, brainstorm, etc. in new and impactful ways. It’s safe, simple and effective.

Hypnosis is guiding the mind to a safe space where transformation and lasting change can be cultivated.

You are in charge of the session outcomes, you are always in control and lasting change is possible.

Hypnosis is a state of highly focused attention, much like the trance you go into when you’re so absorbed in a film that you forget you’re watching it,’ he says. While you’re in this state, he explains, you’re more susceptible to novel thinking – a kind of cognitive flexibility which was previously called suggestibility. ‘Sometimes the narrowing of the attention also allows you to separate out aspects of the way you used to think,’ he adds. ‘And by honing in on this view, you can disconnect yourself from unhelpful way of thinking about yourself.’ Among the brain changes his studies have observed in participants who are in a hypnotic state is a decrease in activity in the default mode network. ‘This is the region of the brain associated with self-reflection,’ he explains. ‘So if you can disconnect the [negative] things you think about yourself from who you think you are, you’re free to change your perspective.’

-Dr David Spiegel. The Associate Chair of Psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine has been studying hypnosis for 45 years, a body of work that makes him one of the foremost hypnosis researchers in the world. Excerpt from Women’s Health Article

Can it work for you? With both The New Scientist and BBC reporting on the benefits of hypnotherapy, and the new research coming out all the time what better way to find out then booking a introductory session here and finding out for yourself!


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