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Self-Hypnosis: What is it and why it works.
Leah Charbonneau Leah Charbonneau

Self-Hypnosis: What is it and why it works.

One of the most powerful tools to enhance your outcomes when working with a certified hypnotherapist is practicing self-hypnosis in-between one-on-one sessions. Just like anything repetition and practice allows you to get better and better.

The more you practice hypnosis the deeper you go each time. While some issues can be resolved in a session or several. (The true breaking point is often seen at around 12 private sessions) it is the work we do daily where we really see growth on an ongoing basis.

Like meditation or yoga, the practice of hypnosis is something that can be done daily to help you realign, focus, and get present. Self-hypnosis is the tool that helps you make change, reconnect, and/or enhance your work with your hypnotherapist. So whether your working with me or just want to try hyposis out for yourself give self-hypnosis a try.

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